Source code for orangecontrib.recommendation.ranking.climf

from orangecontrib.recommendation.ranking import Learner, Model
from orangecontrib.recommendation.utils.format_data import *
from orangecontrib.recommendation.optimizers import *
from orangecontrib.recommendation.utils.datacaching import cache_rows

from collections import defaultdict

from scipy.special import expit as sigmoid

import numpy as np
import time
import warnings

__all__ = ['CLiMFLearner']
__sparse_format__ = lil_matrix

def _g(x):
    """sigmoid function"""
    return sigmoid(x)

def _dg(x):
    ex = np.exp(-x)
    y = ex / (1 + ex) ** 2
    return y

def _matrix_factorization(ratings, shape, num_factors, num_iter, learning_rate,
                          lmbda, optimizer, verbose=False, random_state=None,
    # Seed the generator
    if random_state is not None:

    # Get featured matrices dimensions
    num_users, num_items = shape

    # Initialize low-rank matrices
    U = 0.01 * np.random.rand(num_users, num_factors)  # User-feature matrix
    V = 0.01 * np.random.rand(num_items, num_factors)  # Item-feature matrix

    # Configure optimizer
    update_ui = create_opt(optimizer, learning_rate).update
    update_vw = create_opt(optimizer, learning_rate).update

    # Cache rows
    users_cached = defaultdict(list)

    # Print information about the verbosity level
    if verbose:
        print('CLiMF factorization started.')
        print('\tLevel of verbosity: ' + str(int(verbose)))
        print('\t\t- Verbosity = 1\t->\t[time/iter]')
        print('\t\t- Verbosity = 2\t->\t[time/iter, loss]')
        print('\t\t- Verbosity = 3\t->\t[time/iter, loss, MRR]')

        # Prepare sample of users
        if verbose > 2:
            queries = None
            num_samples = min(num_users, 1000)  # max. number to sample
            users_sampled = np.random.choice(np.arange(num_users), num_samples)

    # Catch warnings
    with warnings.catch_warnings():

        # Turn matching warnings into exceptions

            # Factorize matrix using SGD
            for step in range(num_iter):
                if verbose:
                    start = time.time()
                    print('- Step: %d' % (step + 1))

                # Send information about the process
                if callback:
                    callback(step + 1)

                # Optimize rating prediction
                for i in range(len(U)):
                    dU = -lmbda * U[i]

                    # Precompute f (f[j] = <U[i], V[j]>)
                    items = cache_rows(ratings, i, users_cached)
                    f = np.einsum('j,ij->i', U[i], V[items])

                    for j in range(len(items)):  # j=items
                        w = items[j]

                        dV = _g(-f[j]) - lmbda * V[w]

                        # For I
                        vec1 = _dg(f[j] - f) * \
                               (1 / (1 - _g(f - f[j])) - 1 / (1 - _g(f[j] - f)))
                        dV += np.einsum('i,j->ij', vec1, U[i]).sum(axis=0)

                        update_vw(-dV, V, w)

                        dU += _g(-f[j]) * V[w]

                        # For II
                        vec2 = (V[items[j]] - V[items])
                        vec3 = _dg(f - f[j]) / (1 - _g(f - f[j]))
                        dU += np.einsum('ij,i->ij', vec2, vec3).sum(axis=0)

                    update_ui(-dU, U, i)

                # Print process
                if verbose:
                    print('\t- Time: %.3fs' % (time.time() - start))

                    if verbose > 1:
                        # Set parameters and compute loss
                        low_rank_matrices = (U, V)
                        params = lmbda
                        objective = compute_loss(ratings, low_rank_matrices, params)
                        print('\t- Training loss: %.3f' % objective)

                        if verbose > 2:
                            model = CLiMFModel(U=U, V=V)
                            mrr, queries = \
                                model.compute_mrr(ratings, users_sampled, queries)
                            print('\t- Train MRR: %.4f' % mrr)

        except RuntimeWarning:
            callback(num_iter) if callback else None
            raise RuntimeError('Training diverged and returned NaN.')

    return U, V

def compute_loss(data, low_rank_matrices, params):

    # Set parameters
    ratings = data
    U, V = low_rank_matrices
    lmbda = params

    # Check data type
    if isinstance(ratings, __sparse_format__):
    elif isinstance(ratings, Table):
        # Preprocess and transform it to sparse
        ratings, order, shape = preprocess(ratings)
        ratings = table2sparse(ratings, shape, order, m_type=__sparse_format__)
        raise TypeError('Invalid data type')

    # Cache rows
    users_cached = defaultdict(list)

    F = -0.5*lmbda*(np.sum(U*U)+np.sum(V*V))

    for i in range(len(U)):
        # Precompute f (f[j] = <U[i], V[j]>)
        items = cache_rows(ratings, i, users_cached)
        f = np.einsum('j,ij->i', U[i], V[items])

        for j in range(len(items)):  # j=items
            F += np.log(_g(f[j]))
            F += np.log(1 - _g(f - f[j])).sum(axis=0)  # For I
    return F

[docs]class CLiMFLearner(Learner): """CLiMF: Collaborative Less-is-More Filtering Matrix Factorization This model uses stochastic gradient descent to find two low-rank matrices: user-feature matrix and item-feature matrix. CLiMF is a matrix factorization for scenarios with binary relevance data when only a few (k) items are recommended to individual users. It improves top-k recommendations through ranking by directly maximizing the Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR). Attributes: num_factors: int, optional The number of latent factors. num_iter: int, optional The number of passes over the training data (aka epochs). learning_rate: float, optional The learning rate controlling the size of update steps (general). lmbda: float, optional Controls the importance of the regularization term (general). Avoids overfitting by penalizing the magnitudes of the parameters. optimizer: Optimizer, optional Set the optimizer for SGD. If None (default), classical SGD will be applied. verbose: boolean or int, optional Prints information about the process according to the verbosity level. Values: False (verbose=0), True (verbose=1) and INTEGER random_state: int, optional Set the seed for the numpy random generator, so it makes the random numbers predictable. This a debbuging feature. callback: callable """ name = 'CLiMF' def __init__(self, num_factors=5, num_iter=25, learning_rate=0.0001, lmbda=0.001, preprocessors=None, optimizer=None, verbose=False, random_state=None, callback=None): self.num_factors = num_factors self.num_iter = num_iter self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.lmbda = lmbda self.optimizer = SGD() if optimizer is None else optimizer self.random_state = random_state self.callback = callback super().__init__(preprocessors=preprocessors, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def fit_storage(self, data): """Fit the model according to the given training data. Args: data: Returns: self: object Returns self. """ # Prepare data data = super().prepare_fit(data) # Check convergence if self.learning_rate == 0: warnings.warn("With learning_rate=0, this algorithm does not " "converge well.", stacklevel=2) # Transform ratings matrix into a sparse matrix data = table2sparse(data, self.shape, self.order, m_type=__sparse_format__) # Factorize matrix U, V = _matrix_factorization(ratings=data, shape=self.shape, num_factors=self.num_factors, num_iter=self.num_iter, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, lmbda=self.lmbda, optimizer=self.optimizer, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=self.random_state, callback=self.callback) # Construct model model = CLiMFModel(U=U, V=V) return super().prepare_model(model)
class CLiMFModel(Model): def __init__(self, U, V): self.U = U self.V = V super().__init__() def predict(self, X, top_k=None): """Perform predictions on samples in X for all items. Args: X: array, optional Array with the indices of the users to which make the predictions. If None (default), predicts for all users. top_k: int, optional Returns the k-first predictions. (Do not confuse with 'top-best'). Returns: C: ndarray, shape = (n_samples, n_items) Returns predicted values. A matrix (U, I) with the indices of the items recommended, sorted by ascending ranking. (1st better than 2nd, than 3rd,...) """ # Check if is an array if isinstance(X, np.ndarray): if X.ndim != 1: X = X[:, self.order[0]] elif not isinstance(X, int): # Check if is not an int raise TypeError("'Invalid input data. Array or 'int'") # Compute scores predictions =[X], self.V.T) # Return indices of the sorted predictions # (Return top-k recommendations, optional) if isinstance(X, int): # Array of 1D predictions = np.argsort(predictions) predictions = predictions[::-1] predictions = predictions[:top_k] if top_k else predictions else: predictions = np.argsort(predictions, axis=1) predictions = np.fliplr(predictions) predictions = predictions[:, :top_k] if top_k else predictions return predictions def getUTable(self): variable = self.original_domain.variables[self.order[0]] return feature_matrix(variable, self.U) def getVTable(self): variable = self.original_domain.variables[self.order[1]] return feature_matrix(variable, self.V)