Source code for orangecontrib.recommendation.baseline.item_avg

from orangecontrib.recommendation.rating import Learner, Model

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['ItemAvgLearner']

[docs]class ItemAvgLearner(Learner): """Item average This model takes the average rating value of an item to make predictions. Attributes: verbose: boolean or int, optional Prints information about the process according to the verbosity level. Values: False (verbose=0), True (verbose=1) and INTEGER """ name = 'Item average' def __init__(self, preprocessors=None, verbose=False): super().__init__(preprocessors=preprocessors, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def fit_storage(self, data): """Fit the model according to the given training data. Args: data: Returns: self: object Returns self. """ # Prepare data data = super().prepare_fit(data) # Compute biases and global average bias = self.compute_bias(data, 'items') # Construct model model = ItemAvgModel(bias=bias) return super().prepare_model(model)
class ItemAvgModel(Model): def __init__(self, bias): self.bias = bias super().__init__() def predict(self, X): """Perform predictions on samples in X. This function receives an array of indices and returns the prediction for each one. Args: X: ndarray Samples. Matrix that contains user-item pairs. Returns: C: array, shape = (n_samples,) Returns predicted values. """ # Prepare data (set valid indices for non-existing (CV)) X = super().prepare_predict(X) # Preserve just the indices of the items items = X[:, self.order[1]] predictions = self.bias['globalAvg'] + self.bias['dItems'][items] # Set predictions for non-existing indices (CV) predictions = self.fix_predictions(X, predictions, self.bias) return predictions def predict_items(self, users=None, top=None): """Perform predictions on samples in 'users' for all items. Args: users: array, optional Array with the indices of the users to which make the predictions. If None (default), predicts for all users. top: int, optional Returns the k-first predictions. (Do not confuse with 'top-best'). Returns: C: ndarray, shape = (n_samples, n_items) Returns predicted values. """ # Get shape of the matrix num_users, num_items = self.shape if users is not None: num_users = len(users) # Return top-k recommendations if top is not None: num_items = top tempItemsAvg = self.bias['globalAvg'] + self.bias['dItems'][:num_items] return np.array([tempItemsAvg,] * num_users)